
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Jeles sama ini budak.. uhuhuhu.. (selamba jer tajuk pun)

Monday, 27 April 2009
How do you want to grow old?
Pagi td hantar Farzana ke sekolah.. tolak stroller dia sbb Fatin nak jumpa cikgu dia. Dorang start on cooking menu as a chef today n Farzana pass certains food/flavourings yg boleh Farzana mkn.. so she can join eating them after cooking.. plus Fatin nak jumpa cikgu Farzana sbb nak confirmkan pula camne dorang masak.. huhuhu.. kalu guna tempat masak sama masak mende tak halal tak boleh juga kan.. semlm dah hantar email tp Fatin tak sempat baca pagi tadi.. rupa2nya cikgu dia bawa aluminium foil utk alas.. ok laa.. today's menu dorang masak grilled cheese sandwich?
Pagi tadi masa jalan kat luar tuh.. ramai sungguh org tua2.. sebenarnya.. kawasan rumah kami nih area kawasan orang local yg warga tua tinggal.. dan since berdekatan dgn park, org2 tua nih suka pergi park (though they're living at other area). So, bila tgk org2 tua.. Fatin terfikir.. camne la bila kami tua.. kalu la diberi pilihan.. sbb kiter hanya merancang.. Allah menentukan kan.. ramai yg jalan dgn pasangan.. sama2 tua la.. jalan slowly.. berpegangan tgn.. ade yg terhenjut2.. kaki dah kurang kuat.. ade yg kene tolak dgn kerusi tolak tuh.. (wheelchair).. ade yg dijaga oleh penjaga.. cam maid dibayar khas utk mereka oleh mereka or anak mereka i guess.. hmmm..
kami sekarang masih dlm struggling zone.. nak besarkan anak2.. time yg paling penat kot.. huhu.. juga guna byk juga duit.. hmmm.. tgk la camne kami tua nanti.. I wish bila tua.. ade anak cucu main depan Fatin.. tentu seronok sikit.. (ker sbb terbiasa dok jaga anak kecil sekarang?) hahahhaha.. ape la Fatin merepek nih.. huhu.. ok stop dulu.. Abg pun dah smpi.. hehe..
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Just wanna share.. hope its not illegal.. huhu..
(Abg tak blk lunch -> of course bekalkan dah, so Fatin ade masa to spare.. huhu)
Journal by Farzana's English teacher
Scientist week
by Laura Stetler, 2009-04-26, 11:55pm
Dear Families,
Please excuse the tardiness of this update, but as I was ill on Friday, I did not have my routine end to the week, and honestly did not think about writing my weekly update. I do apologize and hope you find this informative.
This past week, we all became scientists. Students kept very informational scientific notebooks, which included a process, hypothesis, and conclusion. Reminding you that this is just an introduction to those terms, everyone did an exceptional job and understanding that something must be prepared, you need to think about what will happen, and then finally, a reaction occurs.
We invited some silk worms into our classroom this week, and they became the title to our first experiment, which will not have a conclusion for a few weeks yet, however, students are enjoying watching them eat, grow, and even spin little silk cocoons. Students made a prediction, or a hypothesis, as to what will happen to the silk worms. There were some very interesting ideas.
Among our many experiments this week, we made a volcano, produced invisible ink, made impressions on dark paper through sunlight, and even turned a raw egg to rubber. Not every experiment worked as we thought; however, that’s what happens in a scientist’s world. Not everything seems as it should.
Maybe our most exciting experiment of the week was turning a completely raw egg, with the shell, into rubber. It was a very simple experiment, requiring only vinegar and an egg, but students were really engaged. Last week we learned about doctors and dentists and discussed how we keep our bodies and teeth healthy. We discussed acid, such as found in cola and fruit, and how too much of it could eat away at the enamel on our teeth. The vinegar, in which we submerged the egg, was representative of the acid we eat and drink everyday. The shell of the egg was representative of the enamel on our teeth. Students learned that through drinking too much cola, and eating/drinking things with a high volume of acid, our enamel can break down over time. After leaving the egg submerged in vinegar for 3 days, we opened the container up and found that the egg shell had been completely eaten away and what was left was just the inside of the egg, and it actually bounced when dropped from only a few inches high. Students had a great time exploring the egg, and when we popped it, we found that it was just a normal egg inside, but, even the yolk felt a little rubbery.
This coming week we will be turning our attention to the profession of a chef. We will be exploring what a chef does and making some interesting concoctions! I can’t wait to see what students come up with! They will partially in charge of the planning for the week, as we will be making a menu together in class.
We hope everyone had a great weekend!
~Laura & Janet
Journal by Farzana's Chinese/Mandarin teacher
by Linda, 2009-04-24, 12:50pm
(translated by google)
Cognitive Science activities this week, the children with pictures of several common understanding of traffic signs, such as: zebra crossing, traffic lights, cut-lines, car parks, etc., combined with the daily experience, the simple understanding of the use of these traffic signs. Social activities, the children first of all, watch the computer through the video player, understanding the role of traffic police directing traffic and awareness of the various movements of the traffic police have expressed how the traffic signal, and then the traffic police in the classroom to imitate the action directing traffic, the traffic police experience hard. Language activities, children learn a new children's "traffic lights." Combination of children's songs also had a "traffic light" game, on the one hand, to enhance children's awareness of traffic rules, on the other hand, the children through play exercise control over the body, according to the signal, the coordination of body movements. Music activities, we can learn a new song "mini-driver", the children singing the driver to drive to imitate the moves freely through the activities room, experience the joy of small car drivers. Art activities, children's graffiti, imitating the design of a number of traffic signs and signs on the use of these building blocks to build the road to the city to simulate the manufacture of a "road", and extended to a city. The children also produced a do-it-yourself walking down the street people in vehicles on the road, the lake, such as a moving boat. Next week we will briefly introduce the "cooks" the profession, and to sum up this topic, Zhou has been uploaded to the site, but also posted in the classroom next
ini gmbr kakak tgh hari tadi tolong Mama siang bayam merah.. (saje kasik kerja.. plus its fun for her) tp tak habis sbb tetiba dia panggil Mama perlahan n tgk tgh pegang jari/tgn dia.. Mama dah ingatkan jaga jari.. nasib tak luka.. so Mama suruh dia baring sementara Mama goreng ikan.. tp sat je dtg blk minta paper pula nak melukis.. Farzana2.. budak tak leh duduk diam.. before tuh ikut Mama beli sayur/buah..
angin kat luar agak kuat.. so Sabtu tak keluar pergi mana.. hari nih pula tak sure lagi.. maybe pergi park jer kot.. asal Fatin nak ajak Abg pergi Stadium & Kolam Renang Beijing. Belum pernah pergi lagipun. Tapi takut angin kuat sian pula kat baby Hariz.. so maybe next week la kot.. kalu cuaca mengizinkan.. semlm, Sabtu ptg, Fatin buat kuih cucur badak for the first time.. huhuhu.. biasa buat kuih Cek Mek jer.. kuih Cek Mek Fatin belajar buat masa kami geng merpatis gi stay over kat rumah NC atas jemputan Zaf.. (the day b4 tuh, pergi pasar malam kat Skudai utk beli keledek) seronok sgt berxtvt masa tuh.. sape eh chef yg ngajar wat kuih cek mek nih arituh ye? Sunoor, Fuji n Mareena kot.. dorang org Kelantan n Besut.. mesti la tahu wat kuih Kelantan nih.. huhu.. bukan cam Fatin.. hehe.. nama jer org Kelantan.. huhuhu.. but I guess, bak kata Nina.. thanks to internet.. I survived.. belajar masak lepas kawin not so bad.. all we need are some practice.. tp jgn la masak de[an org tua.. nampak sgt la tak kemas nyer cara kerja.. hahahha.. so kuih cek mek n cucur badak adalah menu breakfast pagi nih.. Fatin buat semalam as 'instant' so pagi nih goreng jer.. tade la pagi nih terkial2 nak buat.. (Fatin tidak la cekap sgt buat kerja kadang2) resepi Fatin copy paste from blog Juwita. boleh ye Ita.. TQ.. Jumaat ptg, Fatin buat minyak kelapa utk Hariz.. so kelapa parut tuh (blend act) simpan buat kuih cucur badak semlm.. (tp Ayah complaint busuk la pula kepala anak dia bau minyak kelapa.. jenuh Mama buat tau.. Ahad, Ayah amik syampoo kepala anak dia.. huhuhu)
Cucur Badak & Kuih Cek Mek Molek.
utk kulit
2 biji keledek saiz besar
1 cawan tepung gandum
Garam (Fatin tak bubuh garam)
utk inti
1/2 biji kelapa parut
1 cawan udang kering
2 biji bawang besar
5 batang serai
1 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk
5 tangkai cili kering (ikut kepedasan masing2)
1 sudu besar minyak masak
Garam dan gula
Cara-cara untuk inti:
blender cili kering+serai+udang kering dan bawang dgn sedikit air. Setelah halus masukkan kelapa parut, blender sekali. Blend sekejap jek. Setelah itu masukkan semua kedalam kuali. Masukkan juga kunyit + minyak + garam + gula. Kacau sehingga inti tu masak, ia akan kelihatan kering sedikit.
utk kulit:
rebus keledek dengan air dan sedikit garam sehingga lembut. Setelah masak , buang air tinggalkan sedikit dan campurkan dgn tepung. Buat masa panas panas, senang nak lenyek. Jika adunan lembik lagi tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit tepung. Jgn terlalu byk nanti tak sedap. Selepas itu buat doh kecil2 . Ambil satu buat melengung. tip: semasa hendak membuat doh ni guna sedikit minyak masak di tangan agar tepung tak melekat , keje pun cepat dan senang. letakkan inti dan tutup kembali. Goreng dengan api yang sederhana
note: utk kuih cek mek, inti gantikan sahaja dgn gula.. dan tutup bentuk seperti gambar.. note utk Fatin, Cik Abg complaint tawar inti, so next time kene masinkan sedikit inti, tak boleh cukup rasa seperti inti karipap.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Ayah dan anak2 nya..
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Maid 2 (samb video maid arituh)
Ramai yg dh tgk rakaman video ni. Ni aku tempek berita pasal si amah tu. Kisah yg berlaku 2 tahun lepas. Bagi yg ada maid, jika anak anda yg periang tetiba jadi murung, siasatlah dgn teliti puncanya.
Amah pijak anak majikan kena 2 tahun
Berita Harian 3 Nov 2007
Oleh Fatin Hafizah Mohd Shahar
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang pembantu rumah warga Indonesia dihukum penjara selama 24 bulan oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini, semalam, selepas mengaku bersalah menolak, menendang dan memijak anak perempuan majikannya yang berusia tiga tahun, Ogos lalu. Majistret Tasnim Abu Bakar menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Reni Neken, 27, dari Kupang, Indonesia, berkuat kuasa dari tarikh dia ditangkap, 30 Ogos lalu. Reni didakwa mencederakan Goh Ceng Yee, 3 tahun, di ruang tamu rumah mangsa di No A2-27-08, Putramas 2 Condo, Jalan Kuching di sini, jam 3.25 hingga 3.40 petang, 28 Ogos lalu. Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 31 (1)(a) Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001 yang membawa hukuman penjara maksimum 10 tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit kesalahan. Mengikut fakta kes, mangsa yang dipijak di bahagian perutnya oleh tertuduh sering mengadu kesakitan, namun apabila ditanya punca dia enggan menjawab. Reni bagaimanapun, hanya memberi alasan mungkin kerana mangsa terlalu banyak mengambil minum ‘yogurt’. Bapa mangsa yang mengesyaki sesuatu kemudian mengambil keputusan untuk memasang video kamera tertutup di ruang tamu rumahnya. Hasil daripada rakaman itu, ibu bapa mangsa mendapati anak mereka didera dengan teruk dan membuat laporan polis.
honestly, Fatin tak puas hati la penjara dua tahun jer.. knowing that she's about to be out there end of this year.. sbnrnyer yg penting, maid nih kene sedar ape dia buat adalah sangat2 salah.. maybe dia biasa dengan fenomena pijak2 org nih.. or biasa dipijak sebegitu.. ntah laa.. doa Fatin biar maid tuh sedar je ape dia buat.. ape kesan pada budak itu.. rosakkah organ badan n sebagainya.. I'm too emotional about maid.. sbb sendiri tgh pening dgn my maid.. huhuhu.. tp so far, maid kami, Fatin tak risau sgt pasal anak2 being around her.. unless dia terdesak sgt bab duit.. mmg Fatin akan risau sgt la..
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Do we eat healthily?
pesanan khidmat masyarakat (dan ingatan utk diri/family sendiri) from fatinhelmi.. hehe
Perempuan Melayu Terakhir?
Do they look alike? My sis post this.. niru la pulak.. huhu.. teringin nak letak gmbr 3 beradik masa umur about time baby.. best cute n bole tgk rupa hampir ke tak n etc.. tp tgk la.. ntah bila.. huhu..
btw.. td bawa turun Farizah main kat bawah lagi.. tp turun awal b4 maid smpi.. Ayah on training.. hari nih kene g awal.. tp td tak awal sgt.. harap Abg tak smpi lewat sgt jer.. sbb ntah camne training ngan big2 bosses lak.. doa Fatin sebagai isteri.. moga Abg berjaya dlm kerjaya jer.. aminnn..
naik, lepas bersihkan Farizah n put her to nap, bersih/mandikan Hariz, tgh nyusu dia, borak sat dgn maid. adik maid umur 36 tahun baru dapat anak kedua. anak first 16 yrs old boy. Fatin tanya maid, dia nak lagi tak anak (she already has 2, a son n daughter) dia kata tak boleh dah. dah kene potong (my guess is tiub fallopio) i asked when, she said after second delivery sbb ade rule di sini, anak seorg or dua. ntah la.. somehow Fatin rase tak fair.. tp kerajaan dorang kene wat camnih sbb nak control population.. sikit nyer ramai org c*na kan.. (saya takut ade yg translate n kene ambil tindakan, after all.. tak bole buat main2 dgn ker*jaan dorang nih..) huhu.. penah dulu ade org dorang laporkan ade mooncake kot diisi cebisan kertas kotak bukan daging as inti.. that person/reporter kot.. kene hukum gantung.. sbb dedah mende tuh.. hehe.. it is a k*munis c*untry after all..
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Forward received from DPP yahoo grp.. a must see video.. a mother should trust her instict.. I am so grateful as I'm able to take care my children.. tak sanggup anak diperbuat sebegini.. Fatin tergamam seketika tengok video ini.. though kami ade day in maid.. anak Fatin tak kasik maid jaga.. even banyak kali minta nak bawa turun anak main dan sebagainya.. (dia minta nak bawa turun main jer.. yg kat rumah.. tengok Fatin berlari pun jarang nak offer -> Fatin kata jarang sbb takut ade tapi tak ingat) ntah laa.. Fatin just tak percayakan orang luar.. nak terasa, terasa laa.. (maid selalu buat cam terasa.. biar sukar camne pun.. Fatin akan buat sendiri; ie cam tadi bawa turun Farizah turun main.. n of course Hariz, Fatin angkut sama.. sian baby Hariz complaint sejuk kot.. nak didukung jer..) cuma Farzana yang dah besar boleh beritahu/cerita lebih kurang yg Fatin terpaksa biar maid jemput from sekolah.. kami tiada kereta dan dgn 3 orang anak.. sukar Fatin nak pergi jemput sendiri.. Ya-Allah, jauhkan lah anak2 ku drpd orang2 sebegini.. ape la jadi pada anak2 itu.. siannya..
teringat adikku Fadilah yg sanggup berulang alik, bawa Zahraa n maid dia ke rumah Mama or MIL dia before g kerja sbb tak percaya untuk tinggalkan lil Zahraa sendirian dengan maid.. Lah, if you ask me.. you did a very right thing.. I would do the same if I am you.. I'm proud of you sissy.. not easy for you, yet you only do the best for your lil one.. Zahraa sgt beruntung ade Mama like u..
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Gambar adikku Fatihah melawat Taj Mahal
btw.. Tie.. kak Fatin tak perasan ade dah gmbr Tie.. Tie suh cari kat facebook tak sempat2.. maybe Titie send n masa tuh Abg Helmi yg ade kot.. tolong downloadkan.. wallahualam..
anyway.. Kak Fatin sangat jeles maa.. ckp kat Abg.. Abg bawa la Fatin g tgk Taj Mahal.. Abg kata ape tau.. buat ape.. hehehhe.. sabo je laa..
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Cuubaaaaan (sila baca gaya2 P Ramlee nyer citer tuh ;P )
gmbr2 lama n Ayah such a helping hand now!
Monday, 6 April 2009
Perkara yang bermain dalam fikiran Fatin..
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Hariz dan design rambut baru.. huhu
lepas mandi sekali lagi.. sebab Mama Ayah touch up sikit lagi rambut Hariz.. lepas nih Hariz popo byk pulak sampai semua baju kotor.. kalut Mama bersihkan Hariz.. dah la dah Maghrib..
Friday, 3 April 2009
update cerita kami.. (no idea so better tittle)
aman rase bila tengok anak2 tidur, tengok la mula2 Farzana tidur siap tangan letak belakang kepala.. banyak fikir macam mana nak jaga adik2 ini kot.. huhuhu..