Tuesday, 31 March 2009
How well do you know your husband
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
news (ie BBC, CNN) or documentaries.. ((my husband not that skema.. hehe.. tp tv sini tak byk pilihan.. movies tak menariks.. ade hbo jer.. so kalu suamiku tgk tv kat sini.. itu la pilihannya.. hehe.. bini takut org kata suami dia skemanya! huhu..)
bila time blk Msia lak.. mesti movies.. mesti selongkar cd citer menariks kat rumah mama..
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
It'll be rare for my husband to take salad.. huhu.. but if he does, it might be thousand island.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
nescafe susu
5. Where did he go to high school?
Setapak High School if not mistaken.. then MRSM Kuantan
6. What size shoe does he wear?
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
money from different countries (i think sbb suka simpan duit yg nampak baru.. so ade dah sikit)
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
peanut butter?
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
curry and curry and curry.. hehe.. as well as masakan sambal/pedas (ie ayam masak merah)
10. What is his favorite cereal?
honey stars i guess.. he will take honey star among honey star, coco crunch and corn flakes..
11. What would he never wear?
anything weird or funny.. he's quite concern with his apprearance.. cannot just simply wear anything.. not like his wife.. hahahha..
12. What is his favorite sports team?
no sport.. he just like to work!
13. Who did he vote for?
most ppl who know him can guess.. but biarla rahsia di sini! hehe..
14. Who is his best friend?
I could name few close friends of his.. but not sure who is his best friend.. during campus time.. he is close to Heemi, Sufian (Bajik), Fakhrul, Fakhzan and list can go on..
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
nagging n shopping.. hehe..
16. What is his heritage?
17. What is his favourite colour?
18. What is his habit?
recently like to eat pictachio nuts
19. What is he proud of?
his archivement in his life..
20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
yes, when he's not working and boring.. and jika abg baca.. tak yah keje kuat2.. bini abg jeles ngan keje abg.. uhuhuhu..
I'd like to tag
Friday, 27 March 2009
1. I stay in Beijing, China. In China, locals proud of their language and outsider need to learn Mandarin to communicate and interact.
2. I did have opportunity to have a short stay (a month and a half) in Paris. French people also proud of their language and barely want to speak English (some times even if they can!) so point 1 & 2 make me want to be proud of bahasa.. untuk membudayakan bahasa.. (tp saya nih ckp tak serupa bikin.. saya selalu guna bahasa rojak! abah tok, now i see your point!)
3. There is someone I know whom, when he was small, he used to be among the last in his class, don't really like to learn and study as no one push him to do so. until he had a teacher who gave him free tuition, helped him, encourage him to study. and thanks to that teacher, he's able to have interest in study and succeed. as for this young kid, whom I see as representative of average children/student, how are they going to succeed if Math and Science is taught in English? even in bahasa its already hard enough for them as they have no one to help them out with study? now even in English? who're going to help them with homework and study as their own parents dont even speak or know a word in English.. thus, as for me, this will bring a big gap between average students and smart students. average students could be far left behind.
4. and worse, many teachers have not conquer english very well. so how are they going to be able to deliver in english?
these are just some of my worries.. but TDM has his points why PPSMI should continue.. what u guys think?
Thursday, 26 March 2009
1. Cara pakaian
since kat sini sejuk, baju wajib pakai at least 2 lapis.. then mesti berstokin.. tp masa pantang lepas Farzana pun pakai stokin juga.. and baju tangan panjang.. baju tangan panjang dan stokin nih memang perlu sebab nak elak sejuk kan.. elak badan masuk angin.. perlu pakai baju tangan panjang even di Malaysia, jika tidak nanti sakit bila tua nanti.. ie, pakai tangan pendek or sleveless, bila tua rase sakit urat2 kat tangan.. wallahualam.. kat Beijing, selain pakai stokin, Fatin pakai selipar rumah.. sejuk ooo.. and lupa nak cakap.. selalunya orang berbengkung kan.. somehow nape Fatin sgt tak reti berbengkung.. Fatin pakai corset jer.. bengkung juga.. tp bengkung moden laa.. hehe.. yg sangkut guna cangkut besi tuh.. ini untuk kembalikan perut.. kan cam menggelebeh perut kiter lepas bersalin.. (till Farzana tanya.. hehe.. Mama ade baby lagi ker dalam perut masa kat hospital lepas bersalinkan Hariz.. hahahha.. nak gelak pun ade.. tensen pun ade..)
2. Bertunku
Fatin bertunku boleh dikata setiap hari since pantang time Farzana.. time Farzana bibik Mama mase tuh yg tunku.. awal pagi lak tuh.. before pukul 6pagi.. (5.30am kot) time Farizah, Fatin ade maid masa tuh for 2 or 3 weeks.. maid tuh yg datang tunku dulu pagi2.. dalam pukul 7.30am kot.. (of course Mama Fatin la yang ajar camne-Mama Fatin datang masa Fatin bersalin Farizah di Beijing) tapi lepas tuh, Abg tolong tunku kan, then Fatin sambung buat sendiri bahagian lain.. time Hariz, Fatin tunku sendiri.. Abg bakarkan batu tunku or jika Abg tak bakarkan, Fatin amik bakar sendiri.. tapi bila buat sendiri nih.. hehe.. kekadang ikut masa sendiri juga laa.. kekadang pagi.. kekadang petang.. batu tunku, pinjam Mama Fatin punya laa.. bawa from Malaysia..
Bertunku, Fatin tunku kaki hingga perut.. masa Farzana, since csor, Fatin cuma ditunku di kaki jer.. Mama tak berani kat perut takut ape2 hal.. masa Farizah, juga tunku kaki jer.. but at times buat perut sendiri, Mama Fatin ajar buat tekan batu dari luar (tepi keliling perut) ke tengah.. time Hariz, Fatin pepandai tunku sendiri kaki ke perut, then buat tangan sikit (kekadang) and belakang leher..
3. Mengurut
Mama Fatin tolong urutkan masa di Beijing for both after deliver Farizah & Hariz.. lepas urut sedap rase badan.. masa Farizah, Mama sempat la urut 2 kali.. masa Hariz, Mama nak urut 2 kali juga.. tapi sempat sekali jer.. sbb Mama sakit urat.. bila dah tua nih.. kekadang datang sakit urat juga kan.. masa Farizah dulu, ade juga Abg urutkan.. kali nih Abg belum lain tolong urutkan.. wink2 kat Abg.. huhuhu.. (Abg ade offer.. tp belum ade masa.. anak dah 3.. huhuhu.. kekadang.. kelam kabut juga..)
4. Makan
Fatin makan nasi bubur (Fatin biasa panggil nasi lembik). sebab, supaya senang digest.. tapi, Fatin tidaklah amik small amout.. biasa Fatin makan setgh cawan, so untuk nasi lembik Fatin, juga masak setengah cawan.. cuma buat nasi lembik laa.. awal pantang, makan nasi lembik dengan ikan selar bakar.. kemudian, Fatin makan juga bersama lauk lain cam ayam goreng halia, ayam goreng jintan, ikan salmon marinated dengan mayonis + rempah kari, then bakar.. (sedap nih.. resepi baru cuba time Hariz) sayur, sayur kailan bukan sayur sejuk so elok makan masa pantang. juga Mama Fatin kata leh makan french beans.. Fatin suh maid masak dengan telur, carrot, tomato.. sayur goreng gitu.. menu Fatin hari nih... nasi lembik + salmon bakar (marinated dgn mayonis + rempah kari) + sawi goreng dgn udang.. tak sure la sawi sayur sejuk ke panas.. huhu.. (Fatin tahu sesetengah orang tak makan masakan berminyak masa pantang.. Fatin makan jer) breakfast, either corn flakes dengan fresh milk or roti cicah susu suam.. tp time Hariz nih.. huhu.. belasah juga simple breakfast lain.. hehe.. ie karipap inti daging kari n roti canai instant.. (Fatin buat instant before deliver Hariz) snack time, Fatin mkn juga biskut, roti n coklat! hehe.. coklat tak patut makan masa pantang ye!
Fatin makan juga buah.. buah sejuk, yg ini Fatin tahu.. tapi bagi Fatin perlu balance, supaya senang makanan nak hadam and dinyahtinjakan.. uhuhuhu..
5. Minuman
Jus Fatin minum juga specially masa kat hospital.. susu suam, Fatin banyak minum.. nak suruh banyakkan susu.. air of course.. juga Fatin minum air rebusan kurma merah.. kurma merah (dlm segenggam)+ hirisan halia, rebus api perlahan (dalam periuk paling kecil-periuk utk panaskan susu tuh) for about 2 hours, minum panas2.. jika buat sup, sup tulang ker sup ayam ker, ambil sikit sup nyer dan rebus bersama kurma merah + halia.. sedap rase urat, n air rasa manis.. or boleh juga rebus dengan kaki ayam ker.. sama buh segenggam kurma merah n halia.. Fatin minum juga air rebusan ubat periuk.. masa bersalin Farizah.. time Hariz nih tak lagi.. huhu.. Fatin tak minum air sejuk.. sebab kat sini sejuk.. huhu.. plus Mama Fatin kata tak boleh minum air sejuk, nanti sakit bila tua.. salah satu effect.. tp bergantung pada org juga kot.. bawah berair.. wallahualam.. utk ubati sila minum air rebusan ubat periuk.. wallahualam.. oh yer.. lupa.. air kunyit..(biasanya buat masa dekat2 akhir pantang) ini Fatin minum juga since pantang time Farzana.. huhuhu.. rasenyer sgt la tak sedap.. hehe.. tapi kebaikan dia.. utk rapatkan mende org perempuan tuh.. camne nak buat? kunyit hidup tambah air sikit, tumbuk/blend and ambil air dia.. minum.. sambil minum.. ibu jari kaki kanan pijak ibu jari kaki kiri sambil mengadap kiblat dan berselawat.. doa la moga ketat selalu bak kata Kak Zahrah.. hehe.. juga amalkan senaman cam nak tahan kencing tuh utk rapatkan kembali perempuan punya tuh.. ini senaman jaga kewanitaan.. juga menyusu badan nih mengembalikan rahim ke kedudukan asal dan kecutkan rahim.. wallahualam..
6. Mandi Lulur
Fatin buat mandi lulur di sini since time Farizah lagi.. kali nih baru buat sekali.. buat sendiri pakai powder yg dibeli di PKNS dan dibelikan oleh sedara from Kelantan.. mase Farizah pakai yang from Kelantan jer.. Fatin suka yg ini.. bau pun dah biasa dengan Fatin.. masa before nak kawin dulu pun Fatin buat sendiri mandi lulur 3 bulan before kawin, once a week (weekend la sebab kerja masa tuh).. thanks to Kak Intan-kawan ofis Fatin masa tuh yang ajar.. (till now still keep in touch.. kebetulan kak Intan tinggal dekat dgn rumah Mama Abah.. sempat la jumpa raya lepas..) abis dia angkut/ajak Fatin ikut masa dia nak buat preparation dia kawin.. (mase tuh dia pun tahu Fatin tgh wat preparation Fatin) nak eratkan lagi hubungan suami isteri.. kalu yg duduk tempat 4 musim, musim summer ker.. boleh la sama2 mandi lulur nih.. hehe..
Fatin tak makan jamu sebab Fatin menyusu badan.. masa Farzana, Mama Fatin belikan set bekas mufti Kelantan.. (yg Mama pakai dulu juga rasenyer) huhu.. tapi tak pakai/makan pun.. then masa Farizah, Mama main beli jer set bersalin which Fatin guna minyak sapu and ubat periuk & barut herba dia.. masa Hariz, Fatin beli set Nona Roguy which Fatin tak bukak pun.. berplastik lagi.. huhu.. sayang la pulak.. sape nak beli? Fatin beli RM355 kot (tak ingat actually, belikat PKNS Shah Alam jer).. tapi Fatin nak jual RM300.. ade orang interested? specially yg deliver selepas June/July tahun nih.. (plan balik dlm June July) huhuhu.. dah tahu tak makan sape suruh beli kan? teruja tengok kakak ipar cun jer lepas bersalin 2nd.. hehe.. (kakak ipar, Kak Eda makan set Nona Roguy nih laa..) oh yer.. set Nona Roguy nih kami beli masa balik raya October 2008.. so set baru juga lagi.. expired date July 2011.. jika ade yg berminat sila email kat Fatin @ nur_fateen@yahoo.com
utk bykkan susu, Fatin just bykkan minum air, susu suam juga minum air kurma merah nih.. sila juga rujuk cara Apis bykkan susu.. and cara Nina pula, dia bykkan makan nasi dan kentang.
ape lagi ye? tuh je la kot.. harap2 okay la cara jagaan camnih.. tanak sakit bila tua.. huhu.. sila tambah ye cara berpantang kawan2.. boleh kiter sama2 jadikan rujukan.. huhu.. sekian..
eh cop.. alang2.. biar tak abis lagi pantang pun.. nak buat dedication sikit.. nak ucap terima kasih kepada Abg Helmi kerana jaga Fatin pantang.. honestly.. Abg Helmi sekarang makin matured dah.. at least Fatin tak risaukan sangat tentang anak2.. kami sama2 boleh gotong royong.. huhu.. anak pun dah 3!
kepada Mama, terima kasih sebab tolong urut Fatin, nasihat2 utk Fatin juga pertolongan lain (ie make cotton balls).. pantang Mama Tok nampak Fatin buat mende yg tak boleh.. kene laa.. huhu.. kepada Abah, terima kasih sebab jagakan Farizah sbb Abg Helmi pergi kerja.. terima kasih ye Abah & Mama sebab datang Beijing juga tengokkan anak2 Fatin.. seronok Farzana n Farizah.. Abah Tok siap sempat buat doll house (pieces cam puzzle pasang yg Fatin beli) untuk Farzana.. juga hadiah untuk baby Hariz.. tq Abah Tok.. nanti nak masuk acc Hariz.. (from Mama Tok kene claim bila account bank baby Hariz dah bukak eh Mama Tok.. huhu..)
masa Mama & Abah ade di Beijing, Abg Helmi pergi kerja.. sekarang nih patutnya Abg Helmi nak ambil cuti.. tapi system reject.. n boss dia lak kata kerja from rumah la.. simpan cuti.. boss dia pun tahu agaknya Abg Helmi kalu cuti pun kerja.. hehe.. (sbb mmg siap2 bawa balik laptop ofis/kerja dia..) tapi Abg kata.. Abg akan ambil/tolak cuti juga.. (tapi mmg suamiku bekerja from rumah.. siap meeting lagi.. but meeting via phone laa..) then advices staffs n buat kerja (programming) - connect to network ofis dia.. hari2! huhu.. suamiku mmg rajin bekerja.. bz manjang..
saje upload video anak2 ku ptg tadi.. seronok tgk 2 sisters main sama2 happy.. n Hariz boleh lak tido jer.. hehe.. kalu camnih selalu kan bagus.. huhu..
Robbery @ Tmn Maluri, Cheras..
saje share fwd Fatin terima.. berani nya dorang rompak siang2.. marilah kiter sama2 berhati2..
written in the fwd email..
"Dear all,
This is what happened last Monday.
Spare sometime to watch this video clip which was captured during the robbery from the cctv installed at the victim's car porch.
It happened so fast that the maid and the owner cannot do anything as the group of 6 arrived in 3 motorbikes.
ambushing the owner as he and his wife arrived home at about 2.45pm.
The couple came home in 2 separate cars. The whole robbery took about 2 minutes only.
They had parang with them. Look at how one of them treated the owner when he came out of the house during the robbery. "
utk pagar rumah.. bacalah ayat Kursi sambil pusing rumah dan hembus keliling rumah.. ini amalan Abah Fatin. Abah biasa pagar luar (keliling pagar) dan dlm rumah. jika takut nak pagar luar, at least pagar la dlm rumah. n surah al-Baqarah surah yg elok utk pagar rumah.
wallahualam.. moga Allah lindungi kiter n keluarga kiter..
A mother got to do what a mother got to do..
We just came back from BJU Hospital.. brought lil Hariz for check up.. I called my husband's boss' wife asking for her opinion.. told Clara about Hariz's condition.. She used to be a nurse.. and of course she told me to bring Hariz to hospital.. and since I only slept for about 4 hrs (the most) last night.. (2hrs for 10pm to 12.30am, and then 5am till 6++ am), we decided we should just check.. just in case.. hope for nothing serious.. Dr checked everythings fine.. thanks you Allah.. its just normal discharge.. said the doctor.. some how got stuck.. maybe sebab dry air around.. then she just gave 'sucker' to suck any discharge liquid or dirt in Hariz's nose as well as saline water..
as its about time for Hariz next immunization.. second dose for Hepatitis B.. so we just do the vaccination.. and.. the nurse that came to give the vaccination (here the nurse will do the vaccination not doctor like in Malaysia..) is the same one that gave to Farizah & Farzana last time.. (2 girls had vaccination on the same day, for different immunization of course) I honestly.. dont like that nurse.. I was so stupid to be quiet last time as she gave the vaccination last time like stabbing.. pressing using her thumb.. about 90 degree and hold the injection needle using all the other fingers.. can u imagine? cam stab tuh? at that time (during Farizah's & Farzana's time) me and my husband couldnt believe our eyes, yet we said nothing.. so today.. as the same nurse came.. I asked Abg should we change the nurse as he also nodded she's the same nurse.. Abg said cam jangan buat hal la.. but I couldnt let that incident happened again.. I asked her how she's going to insert the needle.. she said its going to be 90 degree.. I said that's hurt.. can u lower the degree.. she said.. that's the way n some injection need to go to muscle and bla2.. I said.. I have 3 children already.. I've seen them all.. we know when its too painful and when its not, right? so I asked to give lower degree.. unless I'll change nurse.. she said okay.. but then argue that's how it's done.. so I told her.. its okay.. do u mind if other nurse do that? then I go out n observed nurses.. and I asked one nurse whom I believe not rough person to do it.. even Hariz cried.. but I know he just shocked because he was sleeping and it was just for a while.. then he just fall asleep back.. but last time.. Farzana & Farizah cried.. both of them and that rough nurse gave stickers later to Farzana to quiet her.. (and I gave chocolate to Farzana too..) I've been silly once to said nothing.. but not again.. specially Hariz is too little and the way she injected needle like stabbing u know! that rough nurse argued n complaint to other nurse whom later tried to talk to me even brought procedures how injection been done.. I'm not a doctor.. nor learning medicine.. but I'm a mother of 3! I might be naive.. but not stupid.. for once.. I had let my girls been hurt like that.. I felt like I was stabbed.. but I'll make sure it never happen again.. if I can of course.. the nurse who gave vaccination to lil Hariz asked the other nurse to leave.. this hospital is supposed to be a private-foreign hospital.. pricy hospital okay.. not that we want to go to this kind of hospital.. but we dont have much choice.. we need English speaking hosp.. and u know how much we were charged for the visit just now? its 1054 yuan (more than RM500!)
so please understand me if I just have to put my stand.. at times.. a mother got to do what a mother got to do.. what u girls think?
note: Abg showed me this later at night.. he searched in the internet.. luckily Hariz wasn't that cranky.. cuma nangis bangun tido bila tak boleh bernafas.. harap he'll get better soon.. as its already been for about 2 weeks already.. (Hariz's stuffed nose thingy)
Stuffy Nose Makes for a Stressed Baby (and Parent)
When a newborn gets a stuffy nose, it can be particularly irritating for both parent and child. "Babies under three months are what we call obligatory nose breathers, which simply means they won't breathe through their mouths. So when a baby gets a stuffy nose, it's inordinately stressful," says Douglas Holsclaw, M.D., professor of pediatrics and director of the Pediatric Pulmonary and Cystic Fibrosis Center at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia.
"Many parents come rushing into the emergency room or their pediatrician's office because their baby won't eat or sleep and is cranky all the time. It's because the baby's nose is stuffed. A baby cannot suck on a bottle or feed if he can't breathe through his nose."
To relieve an infant's stuffy nose, first use a bulb syringe or nasal aspirator to clear the nose of as much mucus as you can. Then fill a medicine dropper with saline solution. Holding the baby in your arms, positioned so that his head is slightly below the rest of his body, drop the saline into each nostril. You're doing it right if the saline hits the top of the baby's mouth, says Dr. Holsclaw. Immediately after spraying, hold the baby upright. Be sure to give one quick squirt in each nostril--so you don't "flood" the baby's nose with the saline.
By the way, Hariz's 4.68kg and 57cm (or 58cm, nurse memula checked 58cm, bila tengok banyak sgt growth, dia measured balik, which Fatin tak sempat tengok and recorded for 57cm) for his height.. when Hariz was borned, he was 3.5kg (or 3.48kg in doctor's record.. I don't understand why they just didnt put 3.48kg for official weight.. ker memang camnih?) and 50.5cm height rasenyer.. then last 9th of March, he was 3.79kg and 52cm, 12 days after he was borned..) I just put here for my future reference.. but even with stuffy nose n etc.. he's been growing.. that's the most important things.. TQ
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
I should go back to sleep.. hehe..
check adik selesa tak? adik pun sedap jer tido.. huhuhu.. marah tuh bila Ayah nak angkat adik..
Monday, 23 March 2009
Farzana's growing up!
I've already loss more than 10kg!
jantung hati Mama Ayah.. pelengkap hidup Mama Ayah..
last Sunday, kami gi jalan2.. hehe.. org pantang nak keluar rumah ye?! actually memula memang Fatin yg nak pegi.. tapi bila petang dah sikit.. rase penat sangat pula.. (camne tak penat.. pagi2 terus masak untuk lunch.. tak berhenti2 itu ini.. kemas, basuh baju baby.. basuh tangan.. bila time nak pegi.. rase penat nak tido lak.. uhuhuhu.. so ingat tak nak pergi.. tapi sian Farzana yang excited nak pergi.. Farzana n Farizah pun Ayah dah siapkan.. so last2, semua pegi juga.. termasuk la baby Hariz n Mama yang tengah pantang.. Mama nak g Solana.. arituh, masa Mama Tok & Abah Tok ade.. Ayah bawa gi Solana.. shopping area style western.. cantik n sumer branded original items.. and Mothercare, first Mothercare bukak kat China (or Beijing) tengah sale! so Fatin gatal la nak pegi tengok.. tp Ahad lepas Mothercare tade sale dah.. alamak.. new collections for Spring dah kuar.. and to our surprise.. ramai sangat orang kat Solana.. biasa tak ramai orang.. sebab cam tempat exclusive.. kami tak beli ape pun.. saje berjalan.. susah bergerak dengan 3 orang anak & baby Hariz yang asyik lapar nak susu.. huhuhu.. (sekali jer kene nyusu)
hari nih adik Fatin, Fatihah dihantar ke Abu Dhabi atas urusan kerja.. but maybe akan sempat jalan2 tengok Taj Mahal di India (katanya boss janji nak bawa g Taj Mahal since dia tolong buat projek ade kaitan Taj Mahal.. ker sbb kerja juga.. Fatin pun tak sure actually.. or sbb transit.. wo bu che tau-saya tak tahu..) anyway.. Fatin cuma harap.. Titi pandai jaga diri.. Mama Abah surely risau.. even though she studied kat UK.. tp hati ibu.. usahkan Mama, Fatin pun risau.. anak dara g jalan sorg.. kerja actually.. doa Fatin.. moga Titi selamat kembali few months later! (if I have her photo kat Taj Mahal.. I'll share here.. bestnya Titi dapat gi tengok Taj Mahal!)
Friday, 20 March 2009
What I did before go to sleep tonight..
then Farzana ajak baca/tengok buku yg dia belajar masa kelas chinese dia.. dia lupa perkataan kaki in chinese.. Fatin teringat iklan kat TV.. ajar orang tempatan mereka hormatkan mak dan basuhkkan kaki mak dia.. so ade la sebut xi jiao.. cam means basuh kaki.. hehe.. then we end up singing lagu head, shoulder, knee n toes in mandarin! hehehe.. of course Fatin tak tahu at first.. Farzana la ajar..
head - tou
shoulder - jiang bao
knee - shika
toes - jiao
eye - yan jing
ear - ar zhuo
nose - bi zek
mouth - juei
saje tulis.. utk Fatin catch up balik.. esok Fatin maybe lupa.. hehe.. seronok juga.. then Farzana siap cakap.. okay now no shoulder (all communications in mandarin laa.. hehe.. at times ade juga yang Fatin tak faham sbb mane la Fatin tahu kan! then tanya Abg n agak2.. Abg pun belum tido tengah mengadap keje dia! keje lagi! rajin betul suamiku bekerja eh! hehe.. workholic man) so bila no shoulder for instant.. kitaorg nyanyi n diam time shoulder laa.. Farzana main cam yang dia belajar kat school kot.. and it was fun! hehe.. ajak dia masuk tido.. tak nak at first.. tapi bila Fatin terpaksa gi sebab baby Hariz nangis, susukan baby Hariz.. Farzana baring atas katil, tempat tido dia n sekarang dah tido kot.. sebab kalu belum tido.. dia tak kan masih baring.. mesti bangun cari Mama.. huhuhu.. tapi tadi masa masih sambil dengan Hariz.. Fatin ajak Farzana baca doa tido dah.. amalan yang tidak terbuat tiap2 malam.. bila ingat for sure Fatin buat.. bila nak tido or tidokan anak.. Fatin akan ajak mereka baca doa tido, then syahadah and selawat.. jika rajin and masih belum tido.. kekadang Fatin ajak recite surah2 3 Qul 3 kali (a friend of mine ajar amal nih before tido) and also Fatin ajak baca ayat Kursi.. saje share here.. so in case ade yang nak amal.. after all sharing is caring kan.. huhu.. but.. it was fun main; tou, jiang bao, shika, jiao.. shika jiao.. huhuhu.. ok laa.. better get some sleep.. kang malam for sure kene bangun.. huhuhu.. bestnya masa tak perlu bangun malam.. hehe.. dont complaint! after all bersyukur la ade nya Hariz dalam hidup kamu Nur Fatin! huhu..
Thursday, 19 March 2009
The joy of having a son
rupanya bukan senang jaga baby boy nih.. masa Mama Tok tgk Fatin tukar nappy Hariz.. Mama Tok dah tegur.. laju sikit bersihkan sumer.. nanti kene pancut.. baru pagi td.. (skang 4.56am) about 4am pagi tadi, tukar nappy Hariz.. Fatin slow sbb ngantuks.. 2 kali Hariz pee pancut.. adoi laa.. abis basah baju.. (Fatin slow sbb Hariz poo poo banyak.. nak bersihkan.. dlm ngantuk.. tak cukup laju laa..) tapi lepas Hariz pee sekali.. mata Fatin pun berbukak luas laa.. hehehhe.. ngantuk sebab before tuh tertido duduk dgn Hariz tak sure bape lama.. hehe.. then baby boy nih kuat nangis laa.. it was easier masa jaga Farzana.. n Farizah juga kot.. masa Farzana, Fatin agak sure sebab Farzana tak nangis sangat.. huhuhu.. so ini laa.. the 'joy' of having baby boy..
Farizah & Hariz..
Farizah, unlike Farzana slow sikit about bercakap nih.. tapi kami tak risau sangat, bagi kami.. let her develop at her own pace.. cuma yg lucu nya.. Farizah panggil Hariz, baby Farizah sebut bebeh or babeh.. then Hariz jadi Harold or Hareld.. huhu.. lucu kekadang bila Farizah dok Harold.. Harold.. nasib la Hariz nih boy n tough.. hehe.. sebab kadang2 kakak Farizah sgt suka 'tekan' Hariz.. Harold.. Harold.. bukan Harold.. Hariz...
Bye-bye Mama Tok & Abah Tok.
note:- actually Fatin belum habis updates.. nampaknya.. terpaksa la samb in next entry.. hehe.. Hariz bgn masa Fatin tgh cari gmbr Mama Tok n Abah Tok blk.. at times.. Hariz bgn every hour.. ade sesaper tahu nak wat camne?
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Ajar anak solat..
anyway.. Fatin nak share bab ajar anak solat.. masa Fatin cuma ada Farzana.. maklum la.. sorg anak jer kan.. Fatin hangkut dia mana Fatin g.. nak solat pun Fatin letak dia atas sejadah.. even though dia tak leh gerak lagi.. (baby i mean) atas sejadah Fatin letak tepi la.. unless time dia tido.. n slowly bila dia dah makin besar.. Fatin selalu apar sejadah sebelah n ajak dia solat.. Farzana mmg jenis dgr n ikut.. then slowly tunjukkan camne angkat takbir.. then slowly tambah other rukun of solah.. ruku' n etc.. masa solat.. Fatin suka baca kuat2.. bila berimam dgn Abg.. Abg pun baca kuat.. unless siang.. (tp Fatin siang pun baca kuat) maybe juga sbb tuh Farzana bole recite al-Fatihah, n surah 3 Qul (surah Al-Ahad jer yg betul sikit) since she's very young.. younger or around 2 yrs old.. cuma sekarang nih surah hafalan kurang.. last time check, Farzana tahu surah 'Wal Asr', sikit2 ayat Kursi, surah at-Tin.. n satu dua surah lagi rasenyer.. sbb Fatin makin bz.. tak dan nak wat main sambil recite surah dgn dia.. n time Farizah.. Fatin lagi tak dan nak hangkut dia letak atas sejadah cam Farzana b4.. tp ajaran Mama Fatin.. bila nak solat, ajak anak solat sama.. since kecil nih.. apar sejadah sebelah n puji bila dorang solat sama.. moga lekat solat dgn dorang.. aminnnn.. Fatin harap anak2 semua lekat solat sampai besar n kuat.. biar di mana mereka berada bila besar nanti.. tp mereka tahu tanggungjawab mereka sebagai seorg Muslim/Muslimah.. n tak tinggal solat.. ok la.. Fatin stop dulu.. Hariz tak keruan dah nih
samb: kenapa Fatin harap anak2 Fatin kuat bab solat? sbb Fatin reflect dari diri Fatin.. masa Fatin kecil.. Mama Abah Fatin espose Fatin pada 'kehidupan' luar.. or differences.. Fatin mase 3-5yrs attended Tadika Islam pakai tutup sumer siap tudung, then 6 yrs old join Tadika Ampang (a bit pricy kinder i guess utk zaman tuh), an English medium kindergarten siap pakai short okay.. huhu.. then sek rendah.. sekolah yg Mama pilih terbaik dah area Gombak tuh.. Sek Ren Keb Taman Sri Gombak-SRKTSG (now known as SKTSG) then masuk SM Convent Bukit Nanas.. masa Fatin di Convent.. first day kat sekolah.. Fatin sorg jer yg pakai tudung dlm kelas Fatin.. Fatin tanya mana surau.. friends barely know where it is.. ye la.. sumer pun form 1 baru kan.. then masa rehat.. Fatin cari surau sampai sesat, tanya sana sini.. (masa tuh, first day.. rase scary juga sekolah nih.. after all.. convent is part of church) then slowly.. kawan2 lain pun sama2 g solat dgn Fatin.. dari kecil Fatin dah diajar.. solat tak boleh tinggal.. n masa tuh dah baligh dah pun.. and masa dulu.. pantang solat lewat.. or hampir tertinggal solat fardhu.. sbb lambat sgt.. sampai nangis2 takut n nyesal.. betapa hati bersih masa tuh.. huhuhu.. and adik Fatin yg bongsu, Uthman.. first day g sekolah rendah, darjah 1, Abah yg teman Uthman first day kat sekolah.. masa rehat (sekolah belah ptg), masa rehat.. Abah kelam kabut cari Uthman sbb Abah terleka baca newspaper.. cari2 jumpa Uthman.. Man minta Abah pegangkan bekal yg Mama bekalkan.. then pergi arah surau dan tunaikan solat Zohor.. ngalir air mata Abah tgk anak bongsu dia jaga bab solat.. and he was only 6 yrs old! so Fatin pun harap, Fatin boleh didik anak2 Fatin kuat/jaga bab solat.. so biar di mana pun mereka berada nanti.. mereka tahu.. time solat.. kene solat n akan usaha/cari nak solat kat mana n etc.. solat adalah tiang agama.. kalu rumah, tiang tak kuat.. camne? runtuh kan rumah tuh.. begitulah juga dgn individu itu.. wallahualam.. sorry, I couldnt put things in very proper way.. since Fatin pun taip main taip n bila boleh.. td sambil dgn Hariz.. then serabut anak2 lain.. then stop sat basuh dlm sinki n etc.. huhu.. so.. harap just take point yg Fatin cuba smpikan eh.. huhu.. moga anak2 kiter kuat.. jadi Muslim/Muslimah yg kuat.. kuatnya mereka.. kuat la generasi muda kiter..
to Cik Dilah.. sila ajar Zahraa solat from now.. jgn malas2.. hehe.. at least Lah ade Zahrin yg rajin nak ajar/join ajar/jaga anak.. Abg Helmi nih terlalu concerntrate on keje jer.. keje.. keje.. keje.. dok rumah konon jaga org pantang pun wat keje.. huhu.. at times.. how I jealous with his work.. huhuhu.. (tp now, lately ade participate juga la.. banding b4!)
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Old Stories..
Mama Tok & Abah Tok dah selamat sampai Malaysia pagi buta tadi.. maybe dalam pukul 1pagi kot sampai rumah.. huhu.. flight ptg from Beijing.. smpi la lewat mlm.. so pagi td mesti kepenatan lagi.. sian Mama Tok & Abah Tok.. i guess.. sekarang nih sumer airlines agak strict on weight thingy.. anyway.. thanks Mama Tok & Abah Tok for coming.. Farzana n Farizah nampak suka n happy sgt masa Mama Tok & Abah Tok ade..
I've been quiet for sometimes sebab Farzana sakit, earlier this week.. ade batuk n kahak sikit2.. then hari Khamis mlm Jumaat demam.. so esoknya tak g sekolah laa.. then baby Hariz pun jangkit.. cam ade kahak kot or cam selsema sikit.. so baby Hariz tak dpt bernafas selesa.. (nih tekaan Mama n Ayah) so Mama sgt exausted.. mahunye tak.. baby Hariz yg good jadi tanak tido letak.. nak kene pangku.. terpaksa la Mama tido duduk.. then kalu tak tahan sgt.. dlm kol 4.30am++ tuh.. terpaksa kejut Ayah minta Ayah pegangkan sat b4 solat Subuh.. n Mama ade la rest sikit.. till now not fully recover yet.. both Kakak Farzana n Hariz.. hmm.. cubaan..
nanti slowly ade masa, Fatin upload gmbr2 Ayah bawa Mama Tok & Abah Tok g Solana.. (shopping complex baru di sini yg cun.. tp bukan tmpt murah..) baby Hariz first check up kat hosp.. dan gmbr Mama Tok/Abah Tok blk..
to Man, adik iparku yg nikah semlm.. tahniah.. moga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. nampaknyer.. menantu perempuan keluarga En Saad both from Kelantan.. (m considering myself from Kelantan.. after all.. Fatin lahir pun kat Kelantan.. membesar jer kat KL/Selangor)
and to Abah Tok.. sorry.. i just have to be myself.. tahu campur BM/English nih.. aci la eh..
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Mohd Hariz Firdaus bin Mohd Helmi
Muhammad - yg terpuji
Hariz - pemelihara, penyimpan, yang warak
Firdaus - nama syurga
ok la.. itu sahaja la cerita kali ini. Fatin rasa kepenatan sedikit dan rasa nak rehat. Kene jaga susu juga lepas hadapi macam2 cubaan. Doa Mama, moga Hariz membesar dgn sihat, cergas & cerdas juga jadi hamba Allah yg beriman, beramal & bertaqwa. diberi ingatan yg kuat (moga boleh hafal Quran, pemikiran yg tajam, pandangan yg baik, paras rupa yg baik, pendengaran, penglihatan dan rasa yg baik. Juga moga jadi anak yg soleh, dan berjaya dlm pelajaran, berjaya dlm hidup di dunia & di akhirat. aminnnn.. oh ye.. moga dpt jodoh yg beriman.. hehe.. (jauh lagi tuh Mama! hahhahhaha.. inilah doa Fatin buat semua anak2..)
p/s:- jika Fatin tak reply ur msg, I wasn't in front of the computer.. maklum la ramai org kan kat rumah.. so ramai la yg menggunakan komputer..
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Farizah
Buat anakku Farizah.. moga Farizah membesar dgn sihat, cergas n cerdas.. Mama sayang sgt Farizah.. gigih Mama buat kek utk Farizah pantang2 nih gak.. mujur ade Abah Tok tolong.. huhu..
Ingredients A :
180 g butter
20 g cocoa powder
170 g castor sugar (I reduced to 150 g only)
3 eggs
120 g self-raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Ingredients B :
250 g cream cheese
60 g castor sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg
Method :
1. Sift self-raising flour, baking powder and cocoa. Set aside.
2. Cream butter and sugar.
3. Add in eggs (ingredient A), one at a time.
4. Add in the sifted ingredients and mix well.
5. In another bowl, beat all ingredients in B till light.
6. Prepare a 7" tray, line with grease-proof paper. I used an 8" x 8" tray. Pour in one part of ingredient A's mixture into the tin. Spread evenly. Then pour the whole ingredient B's mixture on top and spread evenly. Finally pour the balance of ingredient A's mixture on top and spread nicely to cover the whole area.
7. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 160 C for 1 hour.