Saturday, 12 December 2009
Our Children Hair Cut Day!
actually mata dah rase berat sgt.. but nak juga update kejap.. huhu.. kalu dan.. Khamis lepas Fatin potong rambut anak2.. huhuhu.. asal Ayah la tegur kulit kepala Hariz naik cam keping kulit kepala tuh sbb sini panas dan Hariz lak rambut lebat so selalu berpeluh.. bila Fatin bersihkan kulit kepala dgn minyak bayi, Hariz terus tertido.. selesa sgt la rase kulit kepala dia tuh.. kalu tak asyik gatal, garu2 sampi luka dan takleh tido.. Fatin actually perasan dah but asyik tak dan even nak telek pun tgk.. nasib Ayah la sian tgk dah terus sbb dah berkeping2.. lepas bersihkan kulit kepala Hariz, Fatin gunting rambut Hariz masa dia tgh tido atas riba.. tgh tido boleh la gunting rambut dia.. kalu tak, Fatin tak berani.. Hariz boy nih lasak.. tak leh dok diam.. then syampoo.. masa nih Hariz dah jaga laa.. jenuh juga.. Fatin main gunting with aim nak nipiskan rambut Hariz specially bhgn atas tgh.. lepas siap Hariz, kakka Farzana pun berminat gak nak gunting rambut.. tp lepas selesai gunting, syampoo n mandikan Farizah baru gunting rambut Farzana pula.. huhu.. nampak bersih sikit muka budak2 nih.. huhu.. mata dah berat sgt nih.. camne?
mata sgt berat.. lambatnya nak boleh upload gmbr nih..
anyway.. tgk kawan gmbr bercuti (Liza's act) teringin la nak g bercuti gak.. but with 5 total of us.. pk blk.. takpe la.. nanti laa.. anak2 nak membesar.. guna byk sgt duit nih.. huhu.. kot
Friday, 4 December 2009
actually Maghrib tadi kot.. Fatin sempat intai Berita Harian ker Utusan online and baca kerajaan akan perkenalkan GST next year.. Fatin agak terkejut sbb Fatin tak fikir langsung Malaysia sesuai dikenakan GST sbb keadaan rakyat sekarang adalah sudah sgt sukar utk mereka yg susah.. (sorry la.. Fatin bukan pandai berbahasa nih) kenaikan harga minyak sebelum nih dah buat byk harga brg naik.. dan dah membebankan rakyat.. hmmm.. plus kemudahan2 pengangkutan awam sebagai contohnya Malaysia masih sgt ketinggalan berbanding negara2 lain yg amal GST (although bukan semua la kalu nak compare) but pendek kata.. ntah laa.. sian rase pada rakyat yg susah.. ini cuma la pandangan personal Fatin.. dah la b4 tak ingat bila Fatin ade terbaca yuran tambahan sekolah akan diperkenalkan.. hmmm.. siannya org ade anak2 kecil n ramai lak tuh..
GST tidak bebankan rakyat
KUALA LUMPUR 3 Dis. – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, kerajaan akan memastikan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) yang dirancang untuk diperkenalkan tahun hadapan tidak akan membebankan rakyat terutama kumpulan berpendapatan rendah.
Menurut Perdana Menteri, barangan keperluan asas yang banyak digunakan rakyat akan dikecualikan daripada GST.
“Untuk meneruskan (pengenalan GST) kita akan lakukannya dengan struktur yang teratur dan lembut di mana cukai akan diperkenalkan secara semula jadi sejajar dengan tahap perkhidmatan dan cukai jualan agar ia (GST) tidak menjadi satu beban tambahan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Makan Malam ke-41 Persekutuan Pekilang-Pekilang Malaysia (FMM) di sini malam ini.
Hadir sama Presiden FMM, Datuk Mustafa Mansur.
Sebelum ini, FMM dilaporkan bimbang dengan cadangan pelaksanaan GST yang disifatkan tidak sesuai untuk Malaysia dan patut ditunda bagi jangka masa yang tidak pasti.
Melalui satu kenyataan, FMM menyebut Hong Kong telah menilai dan menghentikan keputusannya untuk melaksanakan GST walaupun nisbah dagangannya berbanding Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) adalah 404 peratus dan 98 peratus daripada perniagaannya tertumpu kepada perusahaan kecil dan sederhana.
Kenyataan itu menjelaskan, ahli perniagaan Australia juga telah menggesa kerajaan mereka mengurangkan GST daripada 10 peratus kepada lima peratus bagi merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Najib menjelaskan bahawa pengenalan GST di negara ini adalah satu bentuk keperluan jangka panjang memandangkan pergantungan negara kepada sektor petroleum sebagai penyumbang utama pendapatan perlu diganti dari sekarang.
Jelas beliau, seperti yang diketahui umum, pengeluaran petroleum negara tidak akan kekal selama-lamanya.
“Untuk memastikan negara terus bergerak, kita merancang untuk memperkenalkan GST yang akan membantu mengatasi sebarang kehilangan pendapatan cukai akibat pengurangan simpanan minyak kita,” jelasnya.
Kata beliau, pengenalan GST bukan semata-mata untuk mengenakan cukai ke atas barangan dan perkhidmatan tetapi bagi mempelbagaikan punca pendapatan agar negara tidak hanya bergantung kepada satu sektor untuk ia bergerak pada masa hadapan.
Dalam pada itu, Perdana Menteri juga malam ini mendedahkan bahawa Malaysia akan memperkenalkan model ekonomi baru dalam beberapa minggu akan datang.
“Model ekonomi ini bukan sahaja akan membentuk kembali aktiviti dan perancangan ekonomi kita, tetapi juga masyarakat kita.
“Bagi membantu pengenalan ini, kita telah menubuhkan satu pasukan pakar ekonomi tempatan dan antarabangsa di bawah Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Kebangsaan,” katanya.
Jelas beliau, pengenalan model ekonomi baru adalah tepat pada masanya kerana walaupun ekonomi Malaysia memperlihatkan tanda positif, namun ia belum keluar dari ‘kegelapan’ sepenuhnya.
Kata Najib, pengenalan model ekonomi baru juga sejajar dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk meningkatkan kedudukan negara dari ekonomi pendapatan sederhana kepada negara dengan ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi.
Beliau juga melahirkan keyakinan keluaran negara kasar akan turut memperlihatkan peningkatan yang kukuh pada tahun hadapan.
GST lebih produktif, berkesan kukuh ekonomi negara
IU berhubung hasrat kerajaan mahu memperkenalkan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) bukan perkara baru. Ia sudah ditimbulkan sejak era pentadbiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hingga Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan kini, Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Dua minggu lalu, Perdana Menteri yang yang juga Menteri Kewangan mengumumkan, rang undang-undang GST akan dibentangkan di Parlimen tidak lama lagi. Minggu lalu pula, Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah berkata, regim GST bagi menggantikan Cukai Jualan dan Perkhidmatan (SST) dijangka dapat menjana pendapatan sebanyak RM1 bilion kepada kerajaan apabila diperkenalkan dalam tempoh 18 bulan selepas Mac depan. Sebenarnya, GST ialah cukai terhadap semua barangan dan perkhidmatan yang digunakan pengguna. Oleh sebab asasnya yang lebih luas berbanding SST, ia juga dikenali sebagai cukai kepenggunaan. Fakta bahawa GST kini diguna pakai oleh 143 buah negara di dunia menunjukkan ia adalah antara sistem percukaian pilihan kerana berkesan serta produktif. Maka apabila ada pihak cuba menjadikan cadangan pelaksanaan GST sebagai modal politik, ia sesuatu yang amat menghairankan kerana sebenarnya memang tiada alasan untuk mereka berbuat demikian. Ini kerana, matlamat utama pelaksanaan GST ialah membantu mengukuhkan ekonomi negara dan mengatasi sebarang kemungkinan kejatuhan perolehan cukai yang dipengaruhi penurunan rizab minyak.
Tidak dinafikan, cukai - dalam bentuk atau nama apa pun, pasti menyusahkan orang ramai yang terpaksa membayarnya. Bagaimanapun, kita yakin kerajaan amat prihatin dengan perkara itu dan akan memastikan pelaksanaannya tidak menjejaskan kesejahteraan rakyat. Seperti dijelaskan Najib, GST bukan bertujuan mengenakan cukai terhadap barangan keperluan atau perkhidmatan asas. Mengambil kira ia sudah dicadangkan sejak sekian lama, GST itu tentunya akan dirangka dengan kaedah berkesan dan tidak menyusahkan golongan pembayar cukai. Paling penting, kerajaan dijangka memperkenalkan langkah memastikan GST yang dilaksanakan dapat dikawal ketat bagi memastikan ia tidak dimanipulasi golongan peniaga untuk menipu. Jika pelaksanaannya dapat dilakukan dengan sempurna, GST sebenarnya boleh memberi pelbagai manfaat kepada negara dalam jangka panjang. Selain memastikan sistem ekonomi yang lebih berdaya saing dan cekap, hasil cukai yang dipungut menerusi GST juga boleh disalurkan untuk pelbagai tujuan pembangunan yang menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan rakyat. Oleh yang demikian, adalah jelas bahawa tiada alasan untuk pelaksanaan GST dipolitikkan. Perbuatan segelintir pihak tidak bertanggung jawab yang cuba menangguk di air keruh itu sekadar mendedahkan tembelang mereka yang sebenarnya cetek akal dan cuba mensabotaj apa jua usaha memantapkan lagi kedudukan ekonomi negara.
p/s: click pada tajuk utk pergi ke laman BH dan Utusan itu..
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Today's morning activities
Anyway, pagi nih Fatin bawa anak2 turun main playground after breakfast.. breakfast pun tak kemas lagi masa tuh sbb takut Hariz dah ngantuk sgt n nak tido.. its been days since we went out.. previous one was last Sunday.. dgn baju2 tido budak2 turun.. hehe.. sneang blk nanti mandikan bersihlah dorang.. kalu dah mandi nanti blk kotor blk.. huhuhu.. lepas main kat playground.. Fatin saje bawa anak2 g 'garden' kat tingkat 6 lak.. ade playground juga.. abis la about half an hour bawa budak2 keluar.. biasa tak sempat nak bawa anak2 kuar main pagi2 sbb either lepas breakfast n kemas Fatin start masak utk lunch or nak vakum or kemas rumah or Hariz dah napping or dah nak di nursed so takkan nak nyusu kat luar kan.. huwaa.. lama dah lantai rumah nih tak bermop.. kerja cam tak berhenti jer.. huhuhu.. nak buat camne.. Hariz still breastfeeding.. then ade Farzana n Farizah yg sedang membesar dan rajin mengexplore dan membuat sepah.. n masak memasak juga kerja2 bersih perlu dibuat.. termasuk la laundry n etc.. semua buat sprg.. huwaaaa.. ponat! hehe.. (lepas sikit.. huhu)
so saje Fatin nak share gmbr2 yg sempat snap pagi td.. b4 ade je amik gmbr but malas nak cari mana gmbr2 nyer.. nanti ade masa nak update citer Merlion.. ala yg patung yg jadi 'mercu tanda' Singapore tuh.. first time kami g Sabtu lepas kot..
budak2 skang tgh tgk cartoon kat TV.. ok la.. nak kene panaskan lauk semlm utk lunch dorang.. huhu.. (mmg dah plan nak mkn yg semlm nyer je today..)
p/s:- gmbr nanti la upload.. tak dan dah nih.. huhuhu..
4/12 : tried to do it today..internet is slow kot.. cant sit here long.. got things to do.. will try again..
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Adha
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Society Dictation
below is written by my dear friend whom also my x-classmate back during studies in MRSM Taiping..
I can't say this enough... step into others' shoes only if they fit.. in other words. Stop living other ppls' lives. Don't judge what you think other ppl is doing with their lives unless you are in the middle of it. The think that is concerning most to me is of course, parenting choices.
If I were asked about breastfeeding and my thoughts on it is that it's the one most difficult thing I had to do in my daughters' first 2 years of life. I would say that it wasn't so much of the soreness, or moments with low supply, mostly it's just emotionally draining.. and the constant constant breastfeeding sessions and next comes the empathy nod from the one who asked the question, 'oooh...' or maybe it's more like, "aaaah..."
When I try to remember more, it's almost like opening pandora's box.. it all started to emerge. The uncertainties.. the STABBING EXCRUCIATING PAIN I had the first month at the spinal site, the problems with latching.. the whispers saying 'OMG your dotter is sooo going to gantung with you like forever', the things I read on the web that are so clashing with my own personal experience which gave me the highest level of doubts and insecurities, not having anyone to turn to, being so sick of breastfeeding that I literally almost threw up.. that lump I had in my throat when I just had to tell OH that I'm so sick of breastfeeding.. trying to be careful with my choice of words so that he doesn't think I'm saying that it's Afya that's making me sick and that it's the constant breastfeeding instead, and not to mention the buckets of tears poured (mine probably trumped Afya's).. now.. after reading that you may think you understand what I went through.. heck you probably went through it too, but what I wrote is still only the gist of it. To actually be able to understand, you not only need to be there to witness it all.. you need to be me.. the one who actually experienced it. Just from this one paragraph that I've written, it's just not enough to paint the picture. Even if you've had experienced similar problems, my baby is an individual. I am an individual. If something u did worked for you, no way, that the same thing would definitely work for me too. So.. are we still in the same boat now.. have I lost you along the way..?
Having mentioned the few things that I just couldn't mention before, (I dunno for what reason but most probably just wanting to avoid being judged by ppl who easily make their own conclusion simply by making their own deduction, Like.. captain obvious goes, ooo why didn't u do this and this and I'll be like concentrating hard trying to remember why I didn't try the obvious.. ooo maybe COZ IT DIDN'T WORK after the gazilionth time?!) I still stand by breastfeeding. I will do it again and again (planned to have 3). Breastfeeding is the best.. and that's a fact. What I can't stand though is that we are starting to become too extreme with it that instead of gentle persuasions, educating and presenting the benefits, we are starting to look down upon mothers that choose to do it differently. I'm drawing a line. We are not doing just if by promoting breastfeeding, we are also stepping on other ppls head.
Breastfeeding is not wajib. Probably the hukum is very very close to wajib but in the exact sentence in the Quran it is stated that mothers (and fathers) are given the choice to do otherwise if necessary (in the modern context, to give formula milk to their babies) as long as the father bears the expenses (or something like it -- the father bears the expenses part). Islam is just great and it's obvious. Allah knows that breastfeeding is not a simple thing to do less it would have been wajib. Mothers are still given a choice. It's not like covering the aurah. It is wajib.. nowhere in the quran says you have a choice to expose your aurah in front of a non-mahram (unless in darurat). Covering the aurat --- is just too easy (doing it in style probably tricky hehe). So my argument is very simple... mothers (and fathers) are given the choice. Parenting can never be easy. Maybe you can argue that breastfeeding is so much easier than giving bottle and that it is true to you but who are you to say that breastfeeding is an easier option for another mother too? I probably dun have to start on breastfeeding and having to deal with your older children's needs too.
So with all these very difficult parenting choices that we have to make (yes which probably also includes whether or not to send our children to kumon LOL) I think as long as the parents are doing what THEY think is best and that it is an informed decision -- that they know the pros and cons of the choices they made.. following the quran and sunnah, that they are well read, and they had to choose to give their babies the bottle (FM) with whatever excuse or excuses they came up with to tell you, it is THEIR choice to make and we actually dun even have the right to ask for their reasons and excuses to have chosen a different style or parenting path.. and they just shouldn't even be bothered to give one or ten. It's their life.. their children, they are doing the best that they see fit for their family. So who are you again...? The 2nd mother? We can however try to understand what other parents are going through and show some support and share knowledge and share our parenting experiences. Give a hand if they need help or simply guide them to someone who can help. There's no where in Quran saying we can mock or taunt them.
In the end, don't make the same mistake that our parents and our parents' parents did.. don't let the society dictates what is right or wrong, and pressure parents into making choices that's not right for them. Instead of reaping benefits, more problems arises and leaving everyone downright miserable, affecting their state of mind, health and faith in the end. This was one of the reasons that at one time formula milk was deemed better than breastmilk and that we forgot to breastfeed our own babies.
Hopefully this will serve as a reminder to myself not to get too sucked in with any parenting fad and forgetting that other mommies have feelings too, some are not as fortunate as others, and that although we are great at being superwomen, none of us is Superwomen. Come on.. support each other.. being a mommy is challenging enough.. being sneered by another mother will only make it difficult.
Oh please please please don't smoke with your child is sitting on your lap.. it's just not right.Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Bawang Merah Bawang Putih..
nih fwd yg Fatin terima from a friend.. takut hilang sbb rase cam menarik n worth trying.. Fatin serabut byk mende sbnrnyer berkenaan pindah nih.. ntah laa.. belum ape2 Fatin dah rase Singapore sgt tak best.. awal2 dtg Singapore pun nak kene cheat ngan taxi driver.. ntah laa.. ingatkan Singapore nih civilize sikit.. cam lebih kurang Beijing je.. maybe a bit lebih civilize.. cuma Beijing brg tak mahal.. shopping best.. hehe.. here.. hmmm.. mostly mahal.. ntah laa.. ok la.. I should go through tenancy agreement.. y do I have to do everything? (everything ker Fatin?)
Food for thought; there's no harm trying.....
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work.(And no, she is not in the onion business.)
The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case.
Whatever, what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
Weldon, thanks for the reminder.I don't know about the farmers story...but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill...I came across an article that said
to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs...sure enough it happened just like that...the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.
Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Great World City
anyway, ape yg menarik di Great World City nih? ade outlet yg Fatin suka (walaupun belum pernah shopping sini sbb brg pun harga mahal kan..) kene tunggu sales n kalu ade sales diskaun byk brg yg maybe Fatin perlu or interested sgt2.. maybe la.. so brand ape tuh? Laura Ashley.. huhuhu.. Fatin suka brand nih sbb baju Laura Ashley yg Mama belikan kat Fatin.. Fatin suka n selesa pakai.. skirt yg Dilah belikan pula Fatin pakai berlasak n sgt suka! although lebih byk pakai kat rumah je sbb cam rase singkat sikit skirt nih.. thanks Mama n Lah.. masa dok hotel dulu, ade masa sales tuh, Fatin berkenan tau satu baju nih tau.. kat Laura Ashley.. tp tgk harga mai aii 200SGD++, although ade tag tanda diskaun.. Fatin tak check terus kuar kedai.. ehehehhe.. mahal nya mak ai! huhu.. takpe laa.. tunggu kalu eprlu sgt laa.. for the time being.. baju yg ade byk bole pakai lagi.. huhuhuhu.. anyway.. ade byk brand lain such as Zara dll.. ade juga Cold Storage utk beli grocerries..
floor atas sekali ade kedai2 grooming utk anak2; ie golf for kid, zfencing (belajar main pedang tuh), and girl grooming kot..
makanan halal di Great World City lak ade Sundanese Restaurant, Burger King, McD, Coffee Beans and opposite jalan dekat taxi area depan 7Eleven, ade restoran Padang.
Bank ade UOB Bank.. ok la juga pendek kata Great World City nih.. ade kediaman juga bangunan office..
m suppose to do lots of other stuffs.. tp malas.. hehe.. menaip la kejap.. huhuhu.. ok.. better gi ironing.. sementara dok sini.. iron baju2 Abg/baju2 nak pakai kot.. hehe.. save duit electric kami nanti kot.. uhuhuhuhu.. electrik mahal wooo!! hehe.. layan la si crazy fatin nih eh.. huhu.. ;) (pasal td tgh hari tensen berlari sorg2 which is buat Fatin sorg2 rase.. penat nya.. takpe2.. be tough, ingat anak.. huhu.. ok korang, have a nice day! byk2 bersabar dlm menghadapi ujian hidup.. kiter semua diuji dgn ujian yg kiter mampu tangani.. kalu kiter rase kiter susah, percayalah.. ade yg lebih susah drpd kiter.. so bersyukur lah.. chewah! ckp cam bagus.. huhu..
Swensens & Seoul Garden
Ahad lak.. kami ade meeting and 2nd viewing dgn tuan punya flat kami bakal duduk nanti.. since we plan to meet up at 9am.. so we have to start early! Ayah did a very wonderful help/job that day! thank you Abg.. we've got to see flat tuh again to get measurement for curtain and see how to arrange where to put fridge and washer.. insya-Allah brg2 masuk Jumaat nih.. Sasbtu 31st lak.. jika Allah izinkan.. brg smpi dan mula la kehidupan kami di 'rumah' baru kami.. tp masa tuh.. sgt2 la sibuk sbb brg2 byk giler! sorry guna perkataan kasar sikit.. almost 70 boxes and bed and sofas and drawer cabinet that just bought! camne la nak kemas.. Fatin takleh imagine camne kami nanti.. mover nih patut leh help with unpack n kalu furnitures yg dorang cabut.. dorang leh pasang siap sumer.. tp since kami beli baru.. Abg kata tak mungkin dorang nak pasangkan mende baru sbb takut dorang yg buat rosak.. adulahai.. langsir pun tade sumer byk sgt benda!
pening n serabut rasenyer sbnrnyer tau.. harap Allah permudahkan lah kami since kami kene hadapi sendirian with 3 small children! honestly Fatin pun tak tahu bape lama kami perlu masa utk kemas n settle sumer.. hmmm.. Ya Allah, permudahkan la urusan kami.. after meeting n viewing flat.. kami g Orchard Rd.. up to Takashimaya honestly.. g cuci2 mata tgk betulkan ade sales.. n Takashimaya ade sales since 8th Oct till 25th semlm.. tp tak beli ape pun.. then up to Lunch kat Seoul Garden.. buffet masak sendiri yg best act.. tp susah nyer kami nak makan dgn anak2 kecil nih.. u've got to cook food/meat/seafood ur self.. kat Malaysia pun gak kalu ikut kan.. tp kami tak pernah g.. hehe.. and since Sunday is family day.. each child with an adult eat for free.. 3-9yrs old.. nanti ade masa Fatin upload gmbr.. pass tuh, survey BEST kat situ gak.. again n again.. then solat Zohor & Asar.. jalan2 sikit2 lagi.. pastuh blk.. kepenatan yg amat.. but malam g gak blk BEST depan condo nih n beli kipas.. flat tuh nanti tade kipas ape.. huwaaa.. ade 2 biji aircond jer.. takkan nak beraircond je kan.. jenuh nak bayar bill nanti.. hehe.. ntah la good offer ker.. kipas berdiri with remote n leh gerak kanan kiri atas bawah n with 6 speed harga 89SGD.. about RM220+- laa.. worth ker? kalu ikut tuh offer la.. harga asal 198SGD.. huhuhu.. kami both tak tahu harga.. tp pk kipas perlu n offer cam menarik n habis semlm jer.. hangkut je la satu.. sbb mmg nak guna.. kan.. kot.. huhu.. ok la all.. Fatin tak tahu Fatin ade masa nak update lagi ke blog lepas nih... but if I have the time to.. would to tell about Great World City (Mall) as well as Mustafa Centre.. signing out! bye.. nak kene siap g bawa anak2 lunch! Mama tak masak skang.. hehe..
Thursday, 22 October 2009
City Square Mall
Kitchener Road
nearest MRT Ferrer Park? Ferrer something la.. hehe..
Fatin busan.. stressed a bit sbb rase macam stuck takleh bergerak dgn anak2.. huhu.. nak kuar it is not that easy.. alone with 3! semlm Fatin bawa anak g City Square Mall opposite jalan je City Square Residences nih.. memula okay laa.. even though sure tak mudah.. Hariz dlm carrier, Farzana n Farizah berpegangan tgn.. Fatin pegang salah sorg jer.. pegang tgn Farizah n Farizah pegang tgn dgn kakak Farzana.. huhuhu.. jalan kene keep eye kat dorang.. takut sgt kalu hilang drpd pandangan mata.. then masa kat Fair Price.. dlm City Square Mall tuh.. beli grocerries sikit.. Farizah nampak pisang dan nak makan pisang on the spot.. ckp kat dia kene bayar dulu.. dia tak faham.. dah tuh menjerit la sekuat hati.. huwaaa.. tensen n malu Fatin.. dah la selalu org ingat n pandang cam Fatin nih maid.. uhuhuhu.. nak buat camne.. kat service apartment biasa nya mmg org tak jaga sendiri anak.. biasa org ade maid.. (tp dulu kat Beijing pun Fatin mmg jaga sendiri, tp org dah kenal Fatin takpe la..) org bukan jeling2 je tau.. buat2 pandang n jalan depan kiter tgk ape yg berlaku nih.. uhuhuhu.. tanya n etc.. dorang akan stop sangka Fatin maid biasanya bila Farzana panggil Mama or bila Farizah peluk kaki Fatin bila nampak org n takut.. (Farizah panggil Fatin as Ayah juga, nak buat camne.. yg sorg nih asyik Ayah Ayah je..) so lepas bayar je terus amik satu bagi Farizah then Farzana.. bebudak lapar sgt rupanya.. masa tuh pun dlm kol 4pm++ dorang tido b4 tuh after lunch (Farzana tertido lepas penat main2 or bosan..dunno which one..) Fatin terpaksa kejut kan dorang bgn sbb Abg call ckp nak passports n nak cepat so Fatin kene turun pass je kat Abg.. so cuma siapkan dorang bawa pee then off we go!
anyway.. nak citer pasal City Square Mall.. near to Mustafa Center and opposite je City Square Residences.. since City Square Mall nih dekat Mustafa Center.. kwsn ramai Muslim juga.. byk la outlet makanan halal.. fast food kat Spore nih halal, insya-Allah.. ade tanda halal pun.. so agak sennag la juga nak mkn.. ade Burger King, McD (belum bukak @ d moment), KFC, Pizza Hut, BBQ Chicken, Swensens, Old Chang Kee, Royal ape ntah jual kek n etc kat tingkat 2 kot, so pendek kata utk makan agak senang laa.. huhu.. so far yg kami penah makan, Burger King, BBQ Chicken n semlm beli nuggets n cam sotong celup tepung kat Old Chang Kee n oh yer ade sekali tuh beli kek kat kedai Royal ape ntah tuh.. sbb Farzana nak American Brownies kat situ.. tanya dia kata halal so beli la.. utk grocerries boleh beli di Fair Price or Mustafa Center pun boleh.. dekat je.. jalan 5 mins je.. (tp kalu termasuk masa kene tunggu utk cross jalan.. maybe lebih sikit) so pendek kata senang la kalu nak cari makanan halal.. huhu.. bila la nak leh g makan kat Swensens nih.. hehe.. sementara makan2 leh claim nih la better g makan kan.. huhuhu.. but since kami dah ade 3 anak.. totally makan luar takut tak cukup plus takkan anak nak mkn outside food everyday kan.. plus susah nak bergerak.. so Fatin masak la juga.. cam since last 3 days.. makan ayam je.. ayam goreng + telur mata kerbau, ayam perap kicap cam ala2 grill dgn nuggets from Old Chang Kee n ayam celup tepung hehhehe.. dah beli ayam je arituh.. dgn kuali satu n sudip satu.. hehe.. kat Mustafa Center.. will do an entry pasal Mustafa Center lak lain kali..
saje taip semua nih utk rujukan sendiri dan sape2 berminat tmpt2 di Spore.. sementara belum start busy.. huhu..
since, City Square Mall baru bukak.. byk la outlets dlm tuh yg buat promotions.. yg best but Fatin lambat la tahu.. huhu.. every spend above 50SGD, kiter leh redeem $5.. huwaaa.. nape la tak tahu awal2.. makan kat situ.. resit amik combine2 resit leh amik redeem $5 tuh.. hmm.. so semlm la Fatin amik satu redeem.. redeem must be made within 3 days je.. and 1 time per day per person.. Selasa makan kat BBQ Chicken.. semlm beli kat Fair Price.. Old Chang Kee.. kene beli something lagi sikit nih nak redeem $5.. sbb belum cukup spend $50.. uhuhuhu.. ok laa.. bagitau pulak.. sorry laa.. saya tgh nak lepas perasaan nih.. uhuhuhu.. sape suruh baca! hehe..
cop till 3rd Nov je kot.. tp voucher valid till dec.. lupa dah bape dec
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
BBQ Chicken (Korean), City Square Mall
Kitchener Road (near Syed Alwi Road), near Mustafa Centre
1st in The World To Use 100% Olive Oil
sekarang nih kami tinggal di City Square Residences hingga akhir bulan nih. Ini under temporary living dan harap sgt tak tunda dah utk masuk flat sendiri.. nak juga la betul2 settle down kan.. duduk rumah sendiri (rumah sewa sbnrnyer) hehe..
semlm Fatin g BBQ Chicken utk kali kedua.. its a Halal Korean restoran.. City Square Mall nih tgh promotion.. baru bukak.. maka BBQ Chicken pun dok sibuk wat balloon gas helium yg balloon naik atas tuh.. so masa first time g (Sabtu lepas kot dgn Abg..) food dia rase ok la juga.. ayam goreng dia, dia goreng dgn Olive Oil.. healthy la kan.. tp mahal kan.. tp makanan dia ok la juga.. nak kata mahal sgt.. tak juga.. murah pun tak juga.. mahal sikit la drpd fast food kat sini.. masa Sabtu, Abg order Steak Korean style kot.. lupa dah.. Fatin amik ayam goreng n utk anak2 pun amik ayam honey strips.. about 48sgd juga habis dgn mango juice and coffee lotte kot..
then semlm Fatin g alone dgn anak2, Fati order pasta with white sauce serve together with crispy chicken.. anak2 Fatin amik sama.. Chicken Honey Strips.. then ade sorg waiter dia tanya Fatin, nak ais krim tak.. Fatin tanya halal ke.. dia kata sini semua halal.. restoran nih chefs n almost semua pekerja org Korea, except sorg dua waiter/waitress.. selain aiskirm free Fatin juga dpt 20% off voucher for next visit and anak2 dpt 4 balloon ikat tuh dan 2 balloon panjang dorang buat rupa cam binatang2 tuh.. huhuhu.. cam pening je ayat Fatin.. sorry laa.. tiring and serabut dgn Hariz tgh nangis.. hehe.. anak tgh nangis pun leh taip lagi.. nak abis kan entry nih yg dah start taip since td lagi..
doakan Mak Tok & Tok Ayah Farzana, Farizah & Hariz dapatkan jalankan ibadat Haji dengan baik dan sempurna.. moga meraka dapat haji mabrur.. supaya tak sia2 Ayah kelam kabut blk alone mlm semlm then tido few hrs je kot sbb kol 2.30am mereka masih di Tabung Haji Kelana Jaya.. flight asal Ayah return to Spore pun terlepas.. tade rezeki.. sian Ayah..
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Straight Kitchen, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Singapore
Scotts Road (near to Orchard Road)
Weekend lepas, kami menghabiskan masa dengan cari/beli survey barangan2 elektronik, fridge dan washer booked kat Courts.. TV masih dalam survey juga barang2 lain.. microwave ntah la KIV dulu or Abg survey.. bila pindah rumah/flat kosong nih.. byk duit mmg kene pakai.. hmmm.. mmg byk duit.. hehehhe.. poning kepala.. Fatin dengan ABg lak berbeza pendapat.. I'm only going for offer cheap2 one.. Abg lak.. org laki kot suka yg latest2 techno nih.. (of course kalu ade offer abg nak yg itu.. tp still lagi mahal kan..) Fatin asal boleh guna buat ape kerja main yg perlu (bukan la yg outdated sgt) then beli yg murah2 sudahla.. Abg lak.. nih yg lama bla2.. rosak la.. itu la ini la.. hmm.. susah2..
anyway.. semlm last Sunday kami g buffet lunch kat Straight Kitchen, Grand Hyatt Hotel.. bila Fatin search kat internet for list of halal food kat Spore nih.. so Straight Kitchen salah satu yg listed out and recomended by many.. cuma nya sgt la mahal.. 41sgd for adult.. hehe.. Fatin lak lupa.. search b4 raya dulu.. tp tak berkesempatan.. dan since nih utk temporary living kiterorg mmg perlu resit utk claim.. ape lagi.. amik la peluang g makan kan.. hehe.. (kot2 nanti tak merasa.. huhuhu..) mahal ape 41sgd++ per person.. dlm rm100 sorg! (total Abg bayar 96.50sgd!)mujur budak2 dorang tak charge.. cam kami anak2 kecil n ramai nih.. rugi kalu kene charge sbb budak2 bukan makan byk pun.. foods were good.. really.. Fatin g tuh teringat kat Mama Abah sbb Mama Abah selalu bawa kami makan2 kat hotel nih utk ape2 occasions.. birthday ke.. celebarations for our good results n saje2 ker.. anyway.. food selections yg ade sgt la byk.. kami tak termakan semua dan kekenyangan (Fatin n ABg tak makan dinner dah.. mmg kenyang).. g kol 12++ kuar kol 3++pm.. hehe.. dgn anak2 susah juga nak makan kan.. plus byk food nak rase/makan.. so mmg amik masa la.. itu pun sbb kol 3pm dapur dorang tutup.. hehe.. n nak kene blk solat Zohor lak.. isk.. rugi.. tak dan nak jalan2 kat Orchard..
so, ade stalls for Laksa Singapore (tried-share with Abg), Laksa Udang (nope), mee ape ntah lagi nampak dgn sup (nope), Roasted Duck(anak2 n Abg tried), (Nasi Ayam Hainan (tried, Farizah ate nasi ayam dgn roasted duck sbb Fatin la tersilap amik.. ingatkan roasted chicken since dorang letak sekali kat situ.. huhu), Chinese Rojak (tried-share), and few more kot.. Ini semua selections of chinese food.
Malaynyer kot.. ade Nasi, rendang2, ayam grilled kot.. satay.. masakan style kg kot ade nampak sambal belacan kot then macam2 ulam/sayur kot.. huhu.. tak perhatikan sgt.. (honestly Fatin tak cuba nasi2 cuma mkn satay je.. (Abg mkn cuma tak lupa nak tanya sedap ke) then bhgn goreng2, ade juga nasi goreng, kueh teow (my fav, tak pedas, Farzana pun suka n makan.. cuma dia asyik dok asingkan taugeh dll.. dia cuma nak mkn kueh teow jer..) crab meat goreng camne ntah.. sorry lupa.. ade ikan kecil goreng celup tepung dll.. mostly bhgn nih Fatin/kami cuba semua)
masakan bhgn India, kami tak cuba pun kecuali roti canai n capati sbb Farzana nak makan roti canai.. ade nasi dgn kari2 dll.. Fatin tgk dr jauh jer..
then ade popia basah (tried-sedap!), kuih2 india (tried sikit2), kek lapis, kek pandan, kuih muih, kuih yg pulut bawah hijau kat atas tuh.. kuih ape ye nama dia? cant remember nih.. fav Mama Fatin tuh.. egg tart n etc.. mostly cuba kuih2 here..
then ade desert.. ais-krim (durian flavour dia sedap sgt.. hyatt nyer durian aiskrim.. teringat mama sukan aiskrim durian.. huhu..), ais kacang pun ade nampak org makan.. tp fatin tak tahu kat ne.. pendek kata macam2 la ade.. minuman pula, few selection of apple, grapefruit, barli, asam boi, rose bandung, ape lagi eh..
pendek kata.. it is worth makan situ specially utk org yg kuat makan.. sbb makanan mmg sedap.. cuma harga pun harga hotel la kan.. hyatt pun after all.. hehe.. so kalu sape2 g spore n leh claim n perlu resit utk claim ur meals.. go to straight kitchen.. kalu nak g makan saje2 pun.. sila la.. hehe.. fancy lunch once a while kan.. huhuhuhu..
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
anyway.. saje nak wish Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Fitri.. Maaf Zahir & Batin.. gmbr raya Fatin byk upload kat fb.. nih sbb nak bercerita.. dok update la kat sini..
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Oh Singapore..
A. flat dekat office Abg (tp mahal giler!-Abg pun tanak dok sini.. hehe)
B. flat dekat MRT/bus station (senang Abg nak g keje!)
C. flat dekat sekolah specially sekolah yg bagus (my aim kalu duduk dekat2 area yg hot)
D. flat dekat grocerries shops (got almost everywhere.. cuma kene cari sikit laa)
yg mana akan jadi kriteria yg utama? B,C,D,A or C,B,D and A? or ABCD or camne?
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Bye bye Beijing, Hello Singapore?
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Berita daripada Malaysia
barang sikit je nih bawa balik.. kami bukan sempat nak g cari/beli souvenir pun.. although Fatin so wish leh g shopping sikit souvenirs for family.. harap mereka faham..
anyway, gmbr2 yg Fatin nak share adalah gmbr2 on the day blk ke Malaysia je la dulu.. huhuhu.. nanti nak share gmbr Farzana's last day @ school.. gmbr Pak Lang Farzana, Farizah & Hariz.. ini lah first anak2 ku berjumpa Pak Lang mereka yg sebelum ini belajar di Jepun.. actually Fatin tak byk ambil gmbr bila kat Malaysia.. gmbr Zahraa my lil sweet niece pun Fatin belum ambil.. huhuhu.. ade capture ngan hp lama jer.. gmbr Zahraa kissed Hariz mlm tadi je pun..